This website is the Home of the Newfoundland Labrador Wildlife Federation

Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Federation
This website is the Home of the Newfoundland Labrador Wildlife Federation
NLWF – A Brief Overview
Founded in 1962, the Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Federation (NLWF) is dedicated to fostering awareness and enjoyment of our natural world. Our objectives include encouraging an understanding of the impact of human activities on the environment; promoting the sustainable use of our natural resources; conducting and sponsoring research relating to wildlife and the environment; recommending legislative changes to protect wildlife and its habitat; and cooperating with organizations and government agencies having similar objectives. Through extensive education and information programs, NLWF encourages a future in which Canadians may live in harmony with the natural order.
As a leader in conservation education, research and advocacy the NLWF has many accomplishments of which we are extremely proud. Following is a sampling of the extensive programs and achievements of the federation:
* Our efforts to protect species at risk in Canada lead to the creation of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in 1977, The first official list of Canadian endangered species resulted. NLWF cooperated with C.W.F. to help bring this about.
* Project WILD, which is used by 50,000 elementary and high school teachers throughout Canada, in an innovative approach to teaching wildlife conservation. It has spawned several complementary programs including Below Zero, Sustainability, and Fish Ways. Again, the C.W.F. was the initiator.
* We continue to participate on the Biodiversity Advisory Group which worked with federal, provincial, and territorial governments to develop a Canadian Biodiversity Strategy. The strategy is designed to guide governments, industry and non-government organizations fulfill our commitment under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
* Our study entitled Poaching and the Illegal Trade in Wildlife and Wildlife Parts in Canada has lead to strengthened laws to protect wildlife from illegal trade. An extensive awareness campaign had heightened the interest among Canadians about this serious threat to wildlife. This study was done by C.W.F.
* We have been actively pressuring foreign governments to stop overfishing in the northwest Atlantic and are pushing for the development of an international, legally binding agreement to manage highly migratory and straddling fish stocks on the high seas.
* A paper entitled The Efforts of Forest Management on Wildlife contains sound, practical recommendations on how industries and governments can reduce the negative effects of forest management on wildlife and its habitat. The paper is now part of the curriculum at the Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology.
* Our national survey on the location and extent of purple loosestrife infestations across Canada has aided in research efforts and reused awareness about the dangerous implications of exotic species introductions.
* Keeping track of wildlife numbers and their locations helps gather valuable information about the health of our environment.
For more information about these or any other NLWF program or activity call (709) 364-8415
1. The Legislature of Newfoundland and Labrador hereby acknowledges, declares and affirms the ancient and traditional rights of hunting, angling and the gathering of wild foods by the citizens of this province and their free and unimpeded access to public lands for that purpose. 2. And the Legislature of Newfoundland and Labrador acknowledges declares and …
Continue reading “Newfoundland and Labrador Outdoor Bill of Rights”
CSBC & NLWF Team Up To Keep Newfoundland & Labrador Anglers Safe on the Water June 25, 2018 — St. John’s, NL — June 30th-July 8th marks National Fishing Week in Canada. The Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) and the Newfoundland & Labrador Wildlife Federation (NLWF) want to remind anglers that wearing your lifejacket is …
NLWF can also be reach by phone (709) 364-8415 Rick Bouzan
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